Tonight, God blessed our family by sending us a little angel named Emma Renee Orendorff. She checked in at 4 pounds 11 ounces and 19 inches long. Both Emma and her mom are doing well, but the story doesn't end there.
It is possible that Emma has Down Syndrome. There was no advance diagnosis, so this news sort of struck us like a bolt out of the blue. She will have to have some tests to confirm if she actually has Down or not, but the medical staff seems to think it is a strong possibility at this point.
I hope everyone understands that this is not a request for pity or sympathy. Our family has dealt with this before and we don't view this as something horrible or sad. It happens, plain and simple. There is no cure, but there is also no earthly reason why a person with Down can not live a perfectly normal, happy life.
As many of you know, my oldest and best friend Doug has Down. Yesterday, he celebrated his 56th birthday and his 51st since we have been friends. Doug and I went to Kindergarten together and have remained pals ever since. Some of you may recall reading of our exploits with the Space Shuttle a couple of years ago.
Moments ago, I learned that my dear sweet friend Polly lost her battle with cancer. Words fail me. My heart goes out to John and Beck, James, Sarah, Aunt Sue and the rest of Polly's loving family. There are big holes in many hearts tonight.
What an emotional night. Your friends and family are very blessed to have you for such a strong friend Dan.